View of sunam reservoir and baegse park through a heart-shaped structure with a bench with mountains in the background

Bird Watch at Baegse Park and Sunam Reservoir

Address: 511-55, Sunam-ri, Goseong-eup, Goseong-gun, Gyeongnam

Baegse Park, located at Sunam Reservoir, is a fun and beautiful kid-friendly park with a bird watching station, playground, and dinosaur play garden.

Near the main parking lot is an area for playing a game called gateball. A group of older folks were playing this game inspired by croquet.

A green turf where some older people are playing a game of gateball

The playground is also near the parking lot.

Goseong is famous for dinosaur fossils and footprints, which you can put your own foot into at Sangjogam Park. This next area at Baegse Park opens up into a dinosaur play garden.

Dinosaur play garden with grassy stepping stones leading into a rib cage and dinosaur eggs for kids to climb into

Kids can go through a rib cage, and climb into white dinosaur eggs. Around the garden area are picnic tables with a cover, which offers shade on a summer day.

Covered picnic tables in the grassy dinosaur garden with flowers nearby on a sunny day

At the center of the park is a cute little windmill on a small hill. Though not very large, it really stands out even from a distance.

Cute windmill on a small hill overlooking Sunam Reservoir

I remember stumbling across Baegse Park in my days of wandering Goseong on foot in 2018, and wanting to take my girlfriend at the time (now my wife) to this place. That wish came true on a summer night in 2018 when we ate delicious fried chicken at a picnic table on the hill next to the windmill.

Picnic table next to the small windmill on a small hill overlooking the dinosaur play garden on a sunny summer evening

On one side of the hill facing Sunam Reservoir is a bird watching station. There are stepladders for kids to use the binoculars to look out at birds or whatever strikes their fancy.

Bird watching station at Baegse Park with wooden benches and binoculars on a stand with stepladders for kids

There are signposts showing which birds to watch out for, one describing summer birds and one for winter. The one below is for winter.

Signpost showing which birds to watch out for during winter in front of Sunam Reservoir

Sunam Reservoir integrates nicely with Baegse park.

Reeds growing in still waters at Sunam Reservoir and Baegse Park in a party cloudy blue sky summer evening

Beyond the windmill hill are some paths around the water.

Paths around the water at Baegse Park

I’ve seen many turtles here. Some of the pictures below are from 2018 when I first walked by Baegse Park.

Be careful of the dinosaur lurking.

Dinosaur with a long neck in the grass at the park

On the far end of the park is a boardwalk leading through the reeds of the reservoir. It leads around to the other side of the reservoir.

A boardwalk leading through the reeds across Sunam Reservoir with mountains in the background

It’s quite a peaceful stroll.

You may have noticed a colorful building in some of the photos including the one above. Baegse Park and Sunam Reservoir are connected to the sea on the other side of the road. This building helps filter the water.

Building with colorful abstract and large fake bugs crawling on the walls near the park

A short stroll from this building is a nice little bench with a heart shaped structure. Or is it an apple? Anyway, it’s a great view of the whole park and reservoir.

Heart or apple shaped structure around a bench facing a nice view of the Baegse Park and Sunam Reservoir

One more note about this park is that it has a bike path running alongside the park which is part of the Daedok Nurigil trekking trail. It connects all the way to Galmobong Forest Bathing area about 6 or 7 km away.

A signpost showing the Daedok Nurigil trekking trail at Baegse Park along the reservoir

Sanchaeg café, whose building is made with a covering of baked clay, is within walking distance of the park. It’s a nice way to refresh in the summer after being out in the sun.

Feel free to comment below if you’ve been to Baegse Park and Sunam Reservoir or have anything to say or ask!

Baegse Park and Sunam Reservoir Extended Gallery

2 thoughts on “Bird Watch at Baegse Park and Sunam Reservoir”

    1. Yes they are creative making many of these parks interesting and fun for children. Good territory for parks here in Goseong with the mountains and the sea! Thanks!

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