Holding a chocolate waffle from Waffle Khan at the Songhakdong burial mounds in Goseong, Gyeongnam, Korea

Taking a Kiwi Nutella Waffle from Waffle Khan to the Songhakdong Mounds

주소: 경남 고성군 고성읍 동외로 200-1

I frequented Waffle Khan quite a bit in Goseong, each time getting my card stamped until I could redeem a free waffle.

Waffle Khan is a chain in Korea, unlike most cafés that I write about. But I came here a lot, and it is one that just belongs on Goseong Guy’s blog.

Tables outside Waffle Khan

My favorite waffle was kiwi Nutella.

A kiwi nutella waffle from Waffle Khan in Korea

We used to get waffles here and take them down the street to the Songhakdong burial mounds, one of Goseong’s most unique attractions and dating back to thousands of years.

Holding a waffle folded at the large, grassy burial mounds site

We would take waffles here and play badminton or frisbee and play with Noah.

This place even serves alcohol. Some people hang out here at the tables outside in the evening kind of like often do at a convenience store, drinking a beer and just talking.

The waffle is made with sesame seeds and is just a great waffle base. I really miss it!

The interior of Waffle Khan Café with turquoise walls

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