Eom Hong Gil Featured

에베레스트 3회 등정한 엄홍길과 한국인의 끈기를 소개합니다

주소: 경남 고성군 거류면 거류로 335

에베레스트 3회 등정을 이끈 고성 토박이 엄홍길의 이야기와 한국인의 끈기를 공유하고 싶어요!

엄홍길의 이야기

Eom Hong Gil standing in front of the green countryside
중앙 부분의 엄홍길

엄홍길은 1960년 이곳 경남 고성에서 태어났습니다. 그가 어린 시절 산 중턱에 산다는 것은 다른 도시에 사는 아이들과 비교할때 당시의 그에게는 부끄러운 일이었는지 모르겠습니다.

산을 대하는 그의 태도는 어린 시절에 접어들면서 달라졌습니다. 그는 그것을 도전으로 극복할 기회로 보기 시작했습니다.

그러나 말년에 히말라야를 정복하는 동안 주변 사람들의 죽음으로 좌절들을 겪었고 또한 처음 두 번의 에베레스트 도전에 실패했습니다.

Mt. Everest among a range of snowy, rocky mountains in the clouds

He even promised not to attempt Everest again.

I saw a picture of some of his toes. They were disfigured from what seemed to be frostbite.

지난 3년의 대부분을 한국에서 살고 한국인과 결혼하면서 저는 한국인의 직업 윤리와 그들이 열심히 일하는 것에 대해 부여하는 가치에 익숙해졌습니다.

엄홍길은 굳은 각오로 에베레스트를 세 번이나 등정했고, 세계 최초로 16개 봉우리에 오른 최초의 등반가입니다.

An exhibition center dedicated to his life of failures, perseverance, and accomplishments was made for him here in Goseong, near Georyusan Mountain. I couldn’t take any photos inside, but it’s a very cool and immersive experience. There is a really cool room, more like a chamber, made to look like you’re in the Himalayas. It is filled with very real-looking snow and ice all around. The surround sound of howling wind, heavy breathing, and other sounds filled the chamber as a voice narrates excerpts of Eom Hong Gil’s diary. It transports you into a treacherous and deadly place.

The front side of Eom Hong Gil exhibition hall museum with bushes and trees surrounding the building

They have many pieces of gear he used on his expeditions. They are all so highly specialized, things that no normal human will ever wear in their lifetimes. His first Everest summit was in the 1980s, which is not even that long ago, yet I cannot imagine facing these kinds of challenges without the technology and knowledge we have today. I had never considered how complicated it must be to prepare and pack for expeditions such as these.

It’s also interesting how the exhibit explains the various climbing and survival techniques, for example, how to dig out a snow cave.

I prayed as I climbed up, promising that I would live my life giving back.
Eom Hong Gil faceEom Hong Gil

I saw photos of Eom Hong Gil with Nepali children. He decided to give back with life that was spared while face-to-face with death. For each of the 16 peaks he climbed for his world record, he has decided to establish 16 schools, especially for those children who find themselves in circumstances out of their control, with no dreams for their future due to lack of education and for the handicapped. Though perhaps less dire, I assume he keeps his own childhood circumstances in mind as he reaches out to them.

놀이터 및 로프 운동기구

전시장 뒤에는 멋진 들판과 놀이터가 있습니다.

Noah standing in a field of blossoming clover

There is a cool netted swing set facing Byeogbangsan Mountain.

A pair of circular swings facing a grassy field and mountains in the distance

The netting gives a sort of climbing feel. Noah tried out the swing.

There are also hammocks!

Yellow hammocks above the grass among small trees

Korea sometimes places these kind of measuring props in parks. It can be fun (or not) to see the smallest section you can fit your body between.

Measuring structures in the grass for height and width of a person

Then there is the roped tunnel and tent sort of thing which is normally not found in parks or playgrounds that I have seen.

이 곳은 아이들에게 좋은 곳입니다.

조경된 부지 및 길

From the side of the field, stone steps lead back to the exhibition hall.

A paved path also runs from the parking lot along the side of the building to the field.

A paved path between bushes with a covered resting area with benches on the side

The area is landscaped quite nicely.

A paved path leading down a hill between bushes and trees nicely landscaped with a mountain in the background

Some swinging benches are at the bottom where the parking lot it.

전시장 옆에 있는 산책로는 거류산 등산의 출발점입니다.

A little gazebo faces a town on the side of the parking lot.

A gazebo facing a town with mountains in the background

엄홍길님의 이야기가 저에게 큰 영감을 주었던 것처럼 여러분에게도 그리하였길 바랍니다.

댓글 달기

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