A pink container housing a café called Muhak Station next to ancient burial mounds

커피 맛이 좋은 고성의 이색적인 명소,무학역 카페

주소: 경남 고성군 고성읍 송학고분로300번길 3

고성에서 가장 독특하고 오래된 명소, 송학 고분군 옆에 있는 무학역 카페는 맛 좋은 커피와 친절한 이웃들을 만나기에 좋은 장소입니다.

Muhak Station still feels like it “just opened”, but it opened in the fall of 2021 right next to the Songhak-dong tombs, the ancient burial mounds of kings from the Sogaya Kingdom that existed from AD 42 to AD 562.

A table next to a window with a view of the ancient burial mounds in Goseong, South Korea

These ancient burial mounds are the site of most festivals held in Goseong year-round. The Goseong Museum is also located here at the burial mounds. People come here year-round for all kinds of activities.

People walking around grassy Songhakdong tomb site on a sunny day with beautiful clouds

This is one of the cafés that hires some elderly folks. And they were so nice to all of us. I believe every time I came here with Noah, they gave Noah something like figs or sweet potato or orange.

A pink counter and the interior of a café

As famous as this area is, there are still crop fields on the one side of the burial mounds, while Muhak Station Café and a village is on the other side. The walls are painted nicely with various characters and illustrations, so strolling through some of the villages can be refreshing too.

Village houses visible from a café with couches along the window

The coffee here is quite good, making my selection of “favorite coffee” places among all Goseong Cafés.

A room inside a café with blue painted walls

Muhak Station Café and the Songhakdong burial mounds are right in the town center of Goseong, and actually just a few minutes’ walk from the Goseong Bus Terminal.

Cafe seating along a window overlooking large Songhakdong burial mounds

So fortunately, this area is very accessible even without a car!

A pink container housing a café called Muhak Station next to ancient burial mounds

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